Exertis Supply Chain Services is committed and dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of social responsibility are adhered to both on a company wide basis as well as with our supply base.
Exertis is committed and dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of social responsibility are adhered to both on a company wide basis as well as with our supply base.
In the case of Exertis sourced suppliers, we employ a strict Code of Conduct and are absolutely committed to ensuring social responsibility is employed throughout the supply base. We particularly emphasises a strict ‘no tolerance’ policy towards human trafficking and slavery. Audits of our suppliers are frequent and all encompassing.
The Exertis ‘Code of Conduct’ includes the following
- There is no forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour
- Workers are free to leave their employer after reasonable notice
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic
- Child labour shall never be used
- Fair wages are paid
- Working hours are not excessive
- No discrimination on any basis is practised
- No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
- No deviations from this Code of Conduct are tolerated.
Our suppliers must adhere to these standards as a condition of doing business with us and our customers.
Details of our opposition to slavery and human trafficking are outlined in the Exertis Modern Slavery Statement.
As a supplier of products that contain metals, Exertis is committed to operating in a socially responsible way.It is our policy to refrain from purchasing products from any known conflict sources and we expect our suppliers to adhere to the same standards.